澳门足彩app团队成员在最近的一个项目中. 他们是, 从左, 乔Buescher, 建设 Manager; Ginna Pratt, Senior Integrator – Packaging; Chelsea Houston, 设计 Integrator – Packaging 机械; Benjamin Johnson: Project Integrator – Packaging, 控制.


物料搬运解决方案 Ensure Safe, Efficient Warehouse Logistics

System integrators apply their expertise and insight to design operations that minimize touches in storing and moving raw materials and finished 产品.


Moving and accessing goods in a manufacturing facility requires ease of access, 最小的接触和安全操作顺利. 澳门足彩app’s Material Handling and Distribution System design team conducts each segment to produce the greatest possible harmony.

每个制造商都必须储存原材料和制成品. 所需的存储空间大小各不相同, 但是,存储和运输货物的需求是每个设施的常量.

A large distribution center may require an automatic storage and retrieval system that delivers pallets with the push of a button. 其他使用标准货架, which stores pallets on metal shelves accessed by an operator using a forklift.

澳门足彩app designs systems to move materials from truck to storage and from storage to and from the manufacturing line with efficiency and ease. Placing items near their point of use optimizes material flow and reduces travel time.



澳门足彩app工程师, 也叫积分器, 与操作员一起工作,了解他们如何与他们的系统交互, so equipment and pathway placement provide the best possible experience.

“他们是这个行业的专家,”他说 Bela Jacobson, 澳门足彩app包装业务副总裁. “他们对数据之外的工作方式有深刻的见解.”


“The more you touch things, the less efficient it becomes,雅各布森说. “每次触碰都是时间. 这是一种损坏产品的风险,也是一种安全风险.”

自动化减少了触摸,优化了空间利用率. The challenge is to balance storing as much as possible in a warehouse while also offering operators easy access.

在许多仓库里,行人和叉车共用同一个空间. 澳门足彩app’s warehouse design minimizes the likelihood of interface between pedestrians and fork trucks, 提高了仓库人员的安全. 集成商使用仿真软件验证他们的假设.

“The fewer times they intersect, the fewer times they have for an accident,雅各布森说.



设计仿真 for proof of concept helps 澳门足彩app improve existing warehouses or design new ones. 经常, clients come to 澳门足彩app when they add a new product stock-keeping units (SKUs) and need help finding space to store raw materials and finished goods.

“You either figure out how to make it work, or build a new space,”她说。. “And our customers often want us to figure out how to make it work to optimize their capital budget.”

澳门足彩app还执行容量分析和 总体规划 确保客户有可用的增长空间.

“We don’t want them to corner themselves into a solution that works today, 但再过一年,它就过时了,”她说。.


As a design-build firm, 澳门足彩app doesn’t just design the warehouse layout. 其团队负责设施从概念到调试, offering the cost savings and certainty of outcome that only come through integrated delivery.

“Understanding the whole process and not just a small part of the process helps drive a better design,雅各布森说. “从工艺到包装, 我们涉及所有不同的领域, 所以我们知道它们是如何协同工作的. We design for the whole system, not just with blinders on for the warehouse.”


  • 物料搬运系统的三大功能是什么?

    The three major functions of a 材料处理 system are to move, store and process materials.

  • 基本的物料搬运方法有哪些?

    物料搬运分为两种方法. 一是人工搬运, in which workers use their hands to move individual components or containers. 另一个是自动物料搬运, 其中设备减少或取代人工处理材料.

  • 什么是仓库集成商?

    A warehouse integrator is a company that offers services to improve the efficiency of a warehouse, 配送中心或履行中心.

  • 什么是物料搬运系统集成商?

    A system integrator is a company that specializes in designing and installing hardware and software solutions for 材料处理 businesses. System integrators are a type of solution provider that can offer a full range of efficiency and automation services.

  • 什么是物料搬运过程?

    A 材料处理 process is a process that is used to transfer a product from one location to another. Material handling is a term used to describe all the activities involved in transporting and storing materials, 产品, 和/或组件. 物料搬运也被称为物流.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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